For many authors, Indie Publishing isn't an option. As a self-published author myself, I am aware that my plan is a direct result of my privilege. I was a student with savings that lived with her family that didn't have to worry about bills, and could focus on talent. I was able to invest in my business, use my savings to start my book, and come up with the costs of publishing on my own.
But I know that many people do not have access to the money it takes to set up a business and publish a book. Editors, cover artists, marketing...it all costs money, and some extremely talented people do not have the resources to publish for themselves. And that is a shame, because it means that big, traditional publishing houses control the market, and often the authors that get into them already have the privilege of their foot in the door.
So what's the remedy to this issue? How do we get more talented, deserving authors into the market without bowing to the traditional gate-keepers?
Silver Wheel Press hopes to be a part of the solution.
As a Hybrid Publisher, SWP will offer traditional advantages- like no upfront costs to the author. But it will also include the freedom and rewards of self publishing, including a higher % of the royalties, and help with editing, formatting, planning, and exposure. Silver Wheel Press’s main priority is to give authors the opportunity to retain the control over their work, and maintain their own schedule, content, and identity, while providing a platform to tell their important stories.
Submission Guidelines
Currently, SWP is only seeking fantasy submissions in the YA and NA category.
Submissions should be finished drafts and self edited to the best of the writer’s ability. To submit, please send the following information to Lcamarego@gmail.com
Query letter with genre information, word count, a brief synopsis, and any other pertinent info about the story.
First chapter or first 5,000 words (whichever is longer) of the story.
After the initial submission, I will reach out within 2 weeks to either request a full manuscript, or to let you know we will not be seeking further material.